Mrs. Shawna Tainsh

Jr. High
I began my career at Hughenden Public School in February, 1989. What was initially intended as a temporary position has evolved into a fulfilling career. Over the years, I have witnessed numerous changes within the school and the division. I have taught various grade levels and a wide range of courses. In 2023, I transitioned to a part-time role teaching Grade 6, which I am thoroughly enjoying.Hardisty is my hometown, and I make it a point to spend as much time as possible with my father. I recently celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary. With our children having embarked on their own careers, I now devote much of my spare time to following my grandchildren’s activities and supporting local youth by cheering from the bleachers. When I am not engaged in these activities, I enjoy spending time at the racetrack
supporting my brother’s passion for racehorses, golfing, and camping.
As a teacher, I find great satisfaction in witnessing students grow intellectually, emotionally, and physically. Each child is unique and brings something special to the classroom. I love seeing the moment of understanding in students’ faces and watching them participate in team sports, whether school-based or community-based. Engaging with younger students and teaching in a small rural community, where I know
each student and most of their parents personally, is particularly rewarding. High-fives from elementary students are my favorite part of the day, and I occasionally manage to coax a junior high student into giving one as well.